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Better Health Thru Better Chemistry?

Every 30 Seconds!

In this article, I am going to share with you the alarming truth about HealthCare (really sick care) & what it means to you.

Every 30 seconds in the United States someone files for bankruptcy due to a serious health problem. According to a recent study by Harvard University, 50 percent of all bankruptcy filings in the United States are the direct result of excessive medical expenses.

Health care spending in the United States at the time of this study was $1.8 trillion, which is more than 4x the amount spent on national defense and almost 40x the amount spent on homeland security.

Starbucks Coffee spends more money on health care costs than they do on coffee, and General Motors spends more on health care costs than they do on steel!

Experts predict retiring elderly couples will need $200,000 in savings just to pay for the most basic medical coverage. Many others believe that this figure is conservative and that $300,000 may be a more realistic number.

Did You Know, everytime you spend:

• $1.95 at Starbucks for a cup of coffee, approximately $.30 goes to cover medical costs.

• $10 for a movie ticket, approximately $1.50 goes to cover medical costs.

• $20 for a pizza, approximately $3 goes to cover medical costs.

• $50 for a tank of gas, approximately $7.50 goes to cover medical costs.

• $250 for an airline ticket, approximately $37.50 goes to cover medical costs.

• $1,000 on auto repairs, approximately $150 goes to cover medical costs.

• $2,500 on a plasma television, approximately $375 goes to cover medical costs.

• $25,000 on a new car, approximately $1,666 goes to cover medical costs.

(Source: Discover Wellness)

I hope this was as shocking to you as it was me. We need to do a better job of taking care of ourselves and taking ownership of our health and lives. Sickness not only taxes your health, it taxes our coffee’s, our food, our pleasures, and our technologies.

Key Point—> If Harvard is correct…..Time, energy and money invested in yourself and your family in a preventative manner is time gained, not time lost. Think about it! Pay now or Really Pay Later

Dr. Zev Mellman- Davie FL Chiropractor

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